Yue Xiaoyong, China’s special envoy for Afghan affairs, stressed the importance of bringing long-lasting peace, stability, and development to Afghanistan during a joint session with Shamshad TV and CGTN titled “Afghanistan in Transition.” According to him, the country is moving toward greater stability, but there are still many obstacles to be solved by collaboration and engagement with the acting government. It would be incompatible to work on any project without consulting the Afghan government; as a result, Chinese advice and help must be provided to the Afghan government. Nearly all of the participating nations in the International Conference on Afghanistan agreed that the United States should deliver $7 billion in assets to Afghanistan and that the country needs to develop economically and that unilateral sanctions must be uplifted. The Chinese representative asked the regional countries to do their part to improve the situation in Afghanistan. Additionally, he emphasized China’s aid to the struggling nation and promised help for future initiatives. Afghanistan’s prosperity, development, and peace are the center of interest for all stakeholders.

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